My Bold Challenge - Over the Edge 2013


A participant rappels down the Pacific Southwest Building (2012). Photo via Downtown Fresno Partnership


One of my closest gal friends and I often give ourselves “bold challenges” to push ourselves to try new things. Now, I have set a bold challenge for myself; bolder than any other challenge I will complete for 2013! I am going to take part in Downtown Fresno Partnership’s event, called Over the Edge. I’m going to rappel down the tallest building in Fresno, the Pacific Southwest Building. Over the Edge raises money to maintain the downtown Fresno ice rink.

I’m taking part in this event because I adored the inaugural season of the ice rink ( November 2012 to January 2013). I couldn’t stop blabbing about it to my downtown and North Fresno friends. According to the Downtown Fresno Partnership, over 30,000 people skated on the ice rink, during its first run. One-third of those people had never been to downtown Fresno. That is a big step forward in revitalizing downtown!


This is what I consider a slow day on the outdoor ice rink. The rink would get packed! Photo via Downtown Fresno Partnership.


Slather on the sunscreen or wear your biggest sunhat, and join me on June 1st as I go over the edge. Then, let’s go ice skating this winter. The outdoor ice rink is located on the Mariposa Plaza of the Fulton Mall. It will open, every day, from November 8, 2013 to January 20, 2014. I’ll be that gal wearing the red riding-hood.

You can donate by visiting my fundraiser page. Donating is safe and secure. You can pledge to rappel or support other participants, here.

Over the Edge will take place Saturday, June 1, 2013. The Pacific Southwest Building is located at 1060 Fulton Mall (on the corner of Mariposa & Fulton Mall).




Have a lovely day in Fresno!

Veronica Stumpf, Co-Broker

Stumpf and Company, Commercial Real Estate

DRE Lic. #01906952



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